Thursday, June 21, 2012

"I got nuthin'......"

Lately, I have felt like I have had little to write about.  I've read a couple of books, including the newest Kellerman mystery and a Lloyd Kahn book on homebuilt houses of the Northwest, ridden over 90 miles in a week for the first time in a couple of years, learned hot weather means Moose will not go out of the air-conditioning for more than how long it takes to pee,  drove the young one to swim conditioning camp, researched cross bikes to replace an outgrown mountain bike, exchanged a broken spoke for a good one, and saw the big dipper the other night while waiting for a certain pooch to complete his business.

It has finally started to rain and the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees.  Maybe I can convince the boy to go outside to catch a Frisbee or two.