I already know the question you have in mind, "What happened to your blog?" The better question would be "Don't you know what Google does with a Blogger account when you don't use it for a couple of months?"
The answer is the blog disappears like a free sandwich at a Houdini convention. And since I wrote everything straight to the blog, there is no archive. So if you thought something was clever, insightful, a waste of time, or just plain wrong, there is no chance of revival, retrieval, rebuttal or resurrection. It is just gone.
I still have all the pictures, however. And the negatives.
Moose when we brought
him home in June |
So that brings me to the new name. The old blog, The 150 project, was a tribute to my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Rockwood, who said that if you don't write at least 150 times a year, you forget how. Any woman who is under five feet tall, 90 pounds soaking wet, who could turn growing, rambunctious boys into obedient, respectful children, and could swing a meter stick like a Louisville Slugger, has to be respected. It was truly a goal to write 150 times last year, but time slips by, and posting to a blog takes a back seat to family and work.
Moose in September |
The new blog will reflect where I am going forward. I may not have time to write 150 times in 2012, but I will write when i can. The new blog name came from the last few posts of the old blog, all dedicated to the latest interloper into my zen-like existence, Moose the dog. Back then, he was still Moose the puppy. But Moose the puppy now weighs about 50 pounds, is fairly-well behaved, and loves to play fetch and ride in the car. The blog, of course, will not be all about the dog, but the way he dominates life around the ranch, well....
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